Finnish road racing star enter Viking Cup

Some days ago it was revealed that we were going to have a road racing star among us this weekend at the very first round of Scandinavian Flat Track Cup 2024.
Hosting the first round is Burt Racing and Hyvinkää speedway track and the line up is pretty impressive. We already told about the ice road racer stars, Finlands own two time flat track world champion and also the up comers, but today we can reveal that Eemeli Lahti who this season does the Bennetts British Superbike Championship is entering in the Amateur class. Eemeli who doesnt have much experience of flat track but an excellent rider is a living proof of what our sport is all about. Every one can enter and there is a class for every rider and every type of bike.
The race in Hyvinkää coming weekend is going to put down some for the finnish history books as well as the Scandinavians. Sweden and Norway has reached a level with a wide range of riders classes and bikes. The common interests Scandinavian countrys in between has brought us all togheter in the name of flat track and hopefully the sport will start growing in Finland as well cause speed and fast mashines is something that seems to suit the finnish people who are very successful in many motor sports.
On saturday May 11 Hyvinkää speedway will be filled with flat trackers from Scandinavia as well as Germany and Netherlands and hopefully also attract some future finnish flat trackers, cause this weekend gonna be epic, the race gathered the best of the best from so many differnt motorcycle disciplines and so many riders from other countrys as well. As we say dirt doesnt hurt! C ya Saturday. Be there or be square.
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