
Tax exempts and insurance necassary when racing in Finland

Since a couple of years every foreign person bringing a race bike or car into Finland has to apply for a tax exempt. Its free but requires a bit of paper work. Its not excactly exiting but its necassary if you wanna race in Finland and not risking be forced to pay custom fees or worse, fines, for not having your paper work in order.

Unfortunatly it does not end there. In June 2024 Finland introduced a mandatory third party insurance for all race vehicles as well. This didn’t really turned out as expected and hoopes of racers really doesn’t understand whats it for. All though and probably until they change this rule for all vehicles not used on public roads, all racers, foreign as well as Finnish are forced to have this insurance. Luckily they have made a weekend version of it, which basically means that you fill out the insurance form as well and send it to the race marshall along with the confirmation from the tax department about your tax exempt. Since this is a new situation this will be handled personally this time though there is no smooth way to handle this from outside Finland at the moment. To make sure the bureaucracy can work with needed time this form and confirmations has to be in Finland at least 10 days before the race, so make sure you send it in time.

All foreign riders signed up for this years Viking Cup will get the forms and instructions sent by mail, so keep an eye on your mailbox. The procedures are actually not a particulary big deal, more boring than hard work. In Germany for example there are much more paper work to fill out before racing so we just have to get use to changes. But someone has to do the dirty work, right? 🙂

If you have any questions about this or need any help, plz send us a mail at and we will make sure you get it right.

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